What Corruption Means: Exploring the Different Types of Corruption

Viable Outreach
3 min readMar 11, 2022


What corruption means can be a difficult question to answer. There are different types of corruption, such as government corruption and political corruption, and definitions of corruption vary from place to place and change over time.

In general, corruption can be defined as misusing public power for private gain. However, this definition is not universally accepted.

Let’s explore some of the different types of corruption and see what they mean for people and businesses worldwide.

What are the Different types of corruption?

Corruption takes many different forms and has many other effects on people and businesses worldwide. It is essential to be aware of the different types of corruption to better understand its causes and outcomes. The only way to fight corruption is through education, awareness, and prevention.

What is Government Corruption?

One type of corruption is government corruption. This is when officials in the government use their power for personal gain. For example, politicians might accept bribes to pass legislation that benefits their business interests.

Government corruption can also take the form of embezzlement, which is when public funds are stolen or misused. This type of corruption is especially harmful because tax dollars are not being used to fund public services like education and infrastructure.

What is Political Corruption?

Another type of corruption is political corruption. This occurs when politicians use their power to get elected or re-elected. For example, a politician might make promises to special interest groups for campaign donations.

Political corruption can also take the form of buying, which is when a politician is given money or gifts in exchange for votes. This type of corruption is harmful because it can lead to politicians making decisions that are not in the best interests of their constituents.

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What is Social Corruption?

There are also forms of social corruption. Social corruption happens when society’s values are violated to gain personal advantage. An example of this would be street gangs that use violence and intimidation to control neighborhoods and businesses.

What is Business Corruption?

Business corruption is the misuse of a business’s power for private gain. This can include things like price-fixing, bribery, and embezzlement. Price fixing happens when companies agree to set prices at a certain level to restrict competition.

What is Bribery?

Bribery is when a company pays someone else for preferential treatment or special deals. Embezzlement is when a company employee steals money from the business.

What Negative Effects Do all types of corruption lead to?

Corruption is a global problem that affects all countries. The World Bank estimates that corruption costs businesses and governments around the world $ trillion each year.

No matter what type of corruption it is, it always has negative consequences for people and businesses. Corruption can lead to jobs, decreased economic growth, and even violence. It is essential to understand what corruption means to fight it and protect the integrity of our businesses and governments.

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It is crucial to understand corruption and its effects on society and the economy. By learning about corruption, we can prevent it in our communities and countries. Let’s continue working together to fight corruption and make our world a better place for everyone.

We must fight corruption because it can have a devastating impact on societies and economies. However, fighting corruption can be difficult because it is often entrenched in countries’ political and economic systems worldwide. Nevertheless, we must continue to fight this scourge so that everyone can benefit from a clean and fair economy.

Originally published at https://viableoutreach.com on March 11, 2022.

