What You Need to Know about Materialism: The Pros and Cons

Viable Outreach
3 min readSep 3, 2022
Photo by Jacob Vizek on Unsplash

What is materialism? What are the benefits and drawbacks of being a materialist? These are questions that many people may ask themselves at some point in their lives. Materialism is a worldview that holds that physical objects and external experiences are what give life its meaning. This article will explore materialism, its benefits and drawbacks, and some famous examples of materialists.

Materialism Vs Idealism

Materialism is the belief that physical objects and external experiences are what give life its meaning. This perspective often contrasts with idealism, which holds that reality is fundamentally mental or spiritual. Many people may find themselves drawn to materialism because it offers a more tangible understanding of our world. After all, we can see, touch, and experience material things in ways we cannot with ideas or concepts.


There are some benefits to being a materialist. For one, it can help motivate you to achieve your goals. If you believe that acquiring certain objects will make you happier, then you may be more likely to work hard and save up for those items. Additionally, materialism can provide a sense of security. If you believe that your happiness depends on having certain things, then you may be less likely to take risks in life.


However, there are also some drawbacks to materialism. One is that it can lead to a sense of never being satisfied. If you believe that acquiring more and more things is what will make you happy, then you may find yourself always wanting more and never feeling content with what you have. Additionally, materialism can lead to social comparisons. If you focus too much on what other people have, you may feel envy or resentment toward them. Additionally, materialism can cause environmental damage. If we focus too much on acquiring material possessions, we may start to view the natural world as a resource to be exploited rather than a place to be protected.


Some famous examples of materialists include the philosopher Aristotle and the writer Oscar Wilde. Aristotle believed that the physical world was the only reality and that ideas were mere abstractions. Oscar Wilde famously said, “I can resist everything except temptation.” This quote reflects his belief that what we experience through our senses is what ultimately matters in life.


So what does all this mean for you? If you are struggling with making decisions in your life, it may be helpful to consider what role materialism plays in your worldview. Are you motivated by acquiring things or experiences? Do you believe that having more stuff will make you happy? Or do you think there is more to life than what we can see and touch? Consider what you believe and what might work best for you. There is no right or wrong answer, but understanding your beliefs can help you make more informed choices.

Do you have any questions about materialism? Leave a comment below and let us know! We would love to hear from you.

Originally published at https://overtimephilosophy.com on September 3, 2022.

